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Use Cases
Brolac Water Based Wood Primer
Waterbased primer for use on wood, can be used as a primer and undercoat.
Brolac Water Based Metal Primer
Waterbased primer for with anti corrosive properites for use on metal
Brolac Water Based Gloss
Internal and External Waterbased Gloss for wood and metal.
Berger Mould Buster
Additive to internal masionary paints for extended anti mould protection.
Berger StoneShield
A modern rendering finish with high weathering properties
Brolac Chlorinated Rubber Thinner
Thinner for Chlorinated Rubber
Brolac Chlorinated Rubber
Swimming pool paint resistant to chlorine
Decora Super Sealer
Primer for limestone used also as a waterproof additive to cement.
Berger Gypsum Primer
Primer for Gypsum plastered walls and boards
Stabilizing Solution-Solvent Based
Masonary primer for external limestone and concrete
Stabilizing Solution-Low Odour
Masonary Primer for internal limestone low odour
Berger Terrace Water Barrier
Waterproofing clear coat with good adhesion to ceramic tiles
Berger Flexible Roof Compound
Waterproofing compound, for flat roofs and most surfaces
Brolac Wood Varnish Stains
Clear Varnish for wood in six different shades
Brolac Super Yacht Varnish
Clear varnish for wood with UV resistance
Brolac Cold Galvanising
Cold Galvanising for protection against rust
Brolac Galvanised Metal Primer
Waterbased Metal primer for Galvanised metal and non ferrous metals
Brolac All Purpose Primer
Alkyd primer for all surfaces Wood and Metal
Brolac Gloss
Alkyd paint for wood and metal, Gloss and Eggshell finish
Weathercoat No. 2
External Masonary waterproof emulsion with Smooth Finish
Weathercoat No.1
External Masonary waterproof emulsion With Fine Texture
Chalk Board
Convert your wall to a chalk board, easily washable
Murisan Acrylic Emulsion
Anti Mould and Wipeable internal paint Matt
Murisan Plastic Emulsion
Anti mould and washable internal paint matt
Murisan Extra
Anti Mould, non staining, highly washable internal paint matt
Murisan Antimoffa
Ready for use solution for killing moulds, algae and other organic growths in humid and damp areas.